Congress hints, Postal Service reform might be a real possibility this year
"Yeah, so there is another bill that is introduced. This is similar to a bill that’s been introduced in previous years. It’s basically led by Bob Casey in the Senate from Pennsylvania and Matt Cartwright, also from Pennsylvania, in the House, both Democrats. It’s got Democratic co-sponsors, but not Republicans. So that’s a warning there. But this would seek to address the fact that there are different systems of payments and that leads to different systems of pay increases for federal employees, based on whether they’re salaried or hourly. This basically would seek to do right, especially by the hourly employees and require that all employees in a certain local area get the same kind of pay adjustment so that there’s not this increasing gap between salaried and hourly workers, I believe this is of particular importance to at least some members, because they have defense installments in their districts. And that can make this particularly relevant. So it’s not entirely clear what the path forward is for this bill, especially because right now, the co-sponsors are Democrats. But this is an issue that they’ve raised in the past and probably good for them this year, now that Democrats have the House, Senate and the White House."