NALC: CCA Step CC Eliminated
"As part of the 2019-2023 National Agreement, Step CC of Table Three of the pay chart for city carrier assistants (CCAs) was eliminated on June 19. Any CCAs who were in Step CC on June 19 were moved to Step BB, currently $18.51 an hour. These CCAs will maintain their time-in-step credit toward step AA and will receive their next step increase to CCA Step AA after 52 weeks of service. CCAs who were in Step BB as of June 19 will have 12 weeks added to their current time-in-step credit toward Step AA. This will ensure that all CCAs will reach Step AA after 52 weeks of service. Step BB will become the new entry step for newly hired CCAs.

The CCA wage rates have evolved since the CCA position was established in January 2013, when Arbitrator Shyam Das set the terms of the 2011-2016 National Agreement. When he set up this new category of city carrier, he also created a new pay table, Table Three, to determine how much CCAs were to be paid. This new pay table provided no step increases based on a CCA’s longevity with the Postal Service.

In May of 2017, NALC and USPS reached tentative agreement on the 2016-2019 National Agreement, which was ratified by the membership in August of 2017. The new National Agreement included a modifying of Table Three to set up two step increases of 50 cents each. These step increases were achieved by CCAs when they reached 12 and 52 weeks of service, respectively. These new step increases were in addition to the general wage increases each November.

In November of 2020, NALC and USPS reached tentative agreement on the 2019-2023 National Agreement. This tentative agreement was ratified by the membership in March of 2021. While the new agreement includes general wage increases each November, it also includes the elimination of Step CC."