States Join Together to Fight Postal Service's Mail Plan (PDF)
"BEFORE THE POSTAL REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 First-Class Mail and Periodicals Service Standard Changes, 2021 Docket No. N2021-1 STATEMENT OF POSITION The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the State of New York, the State of California, the State of Colorado, the State of Connecticut, the State of Delaware, the District of Columbia, the State of Hawaiʻi, the State of Illinois, the State of Maine, the State of Maryland, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the State of Michigan, the State of Minnesota, the State of Nevada, the State of New Jersey, the State of New Mexico, the State of North Carolina, the State of Oregon, the State of Vermont, the Commonwealth of Virginia, the City of New York, and the City and County of San Francisco respectfully submit this Statement of Position on the United States Postal Service’s Request for an Advisory Opinion on Changes in the Nature of Postal Services (Apr. 21, 2021) (“the Request”)."