Dozens of postal workers and customers picketed in front of the Waterfront Post Office in downtown Portland on June 18th, 2018 to protest job cuts that will cause further reductions in service to the public, including longer lines and phone calls unanswered at retail locations, and delay of mail delivery.

Postal management plans to eliminate nearly 300 clerks from Portland Post Offices and Processing Plants. This includes roughly 80 support employees who will be “laid off.”

Management says they don’t need the 300 clerks now that they’ve consolidated three processing and distribution plants into one mega-plant out at the airport.

But these clerks are needed to staff the local post offices, which are already understaffed. In addition, many could be converted into regular career positions at the plant, if long-time clerks were offered incentives for early retirement. Many could also be offered positions as letter carriers (CCAs), as that craft is also understaffed.

Source: Communities and Postal Workers United